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Graduate Immigration Route Updates
May 18 2024
Study in UK

Graduate Immigration Route: Overview and May 2024 Updates

The UK Graduate Route visa (Graduate Immigration Route) is a post-study work visa introduced in July 2021, specifically for international students who have recently graduated from a UK university. It is one of the many options available for international students after completing their studies if they wish to stay in the UK after graduation.

Based on specific criteria, such as your degree and other factors, you can decide which visa is right for you by researching on GOV.UK. This article specifically serves as a guide for the UK Graduate Route Visa.

UK Post-Study Work visa: Graduate Route Eligibility

For the UK Graduate Route visa, you must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

  • You are currently residing in the UK
  • Your current visa is a Student visa or a Tier 4 (General) student visa
  • You studied a UK bachelor’s degree, postgraduate degree or any other eligible course for a minimum period of time (usually 12 months or more) with your Student visa or Tier 4 (General) student visa
  • Your education provider, such as your university or college, has informed the Home Office that you’ve successfully completed your course.

You must submit your application for this visa before your previous Student Visa or Tier 4 (General) student visa expires. You also do not have to be graduated or received your graduation documents to apply as you can submit your application once your education provider has told the Home Office that you’ve successfully completed your course.

UK Graduate Route Visa: Document Checklist

Having a document checklist can help you keep track of all the information you need to provide with your application. You can refer back to this checklist at any stage to see if you are missing any information and to keep track of what has already been submitted.

  • A valid passport that shows your identity and nationality
  • Your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), if you were given one when applying for your Student visa or Tier 4 (General) student visa.
  • Your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number from when you applied for your Student visa or Tier 4 (General) student visa

Your CAS number is sent to you by your education provider when you are offered a place to study for the course that you completed with your student visa. If you cannot find it, you can contact your education provider to send it to you again.

Depending on your circumstances, you may also need to provide the following additional documents:

  • Proof of your relationship with your partner or children if they’re applying with you
  • A letter from your scholarship provider or sponsor for your studies approving your application, if they paid for your tuition fees and living costs in the last 12 months.

If your documents are not in English, you will also be required to provide a certified translation.

One of the best parts about applying for this visa is that you are not required to submit your language proficiency test scores. So you do not have to take or reappear for any tests such as the IELTS and the TOEFL.

Application Costs

Applying for the Graduate Visa costs £822. You will also need to pay a healthcare surcharge with your application; this is £1035 for every year that you are in the UK:

  • 2 years: £2070
  • 3 years: £3105

If you find a job in public sector healthcare after you have paid the healthcare surcharge, you may be able to obtain a refund.

Application Results

Once you have submitted your application online, provided proof of your identity, and submitted all required documents, you’ll usually get a decision on your application within 8 weeks.

You will be contacted if your application takes longer, and this is usually because extra verification is required for your supporting documents, or your personal circumstances, for eg: a criminal conviction.

What can you do with a UK Graduate Route visa?

With a UK Graduate Route visa, you can

  • Work in most jobs
  • Look for work
  • Be self-employed/start or your own business
  • Do any kind of volunteer work
  • Travel abroad and return to the UK

UK Graduate Route visa: Latest updates

Speculation was rife that the UK Government was planning on removing the UK Graduate Route visa or the Post-Study Work visa. However, students can now breathe a sigh of relief because the UK’s Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has recommended that this visa be continued in its current form. This is great news, as it provides stability and opportunities, especially for students from India who make up a significant number of applicants for this visa.


The UK Graduate Route visa allows international students who are graduates from UK universities to stay on and work in the UK after the completion of their degree. There are no restrictions on the type of employment that you can undertake; you can find employment in a field related to your studies or you can even explore other areas of interest.

So once you’ve completed your studies in the UK, be sure to submit your application for this visa!

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